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Editorial Policy

Hi! This is Sue, the Content Manager for Family1st. If you are here, you already know that Family1st is one of the leading personal GPS-tracking solution providers in the industry. Our blogs revolve around helping our readers understand the importance of GPS trackers and how they offer safety for their assets and loved ones.

Want to contribute to our high-ranking blogs and boost your portfolio? We love having contributors on our blog, and we're excited to hear from you! Here are some guidelines you must follow to guarantee consistency, quality, and relevance:

Content Guidelines:
  • Relevance: To ensure that our content remains relevant and useful to our readers, we kindly request that all submissions focus on GPS tracking for personal possessions, persons, families, the elderly, children, or any other themes relevant to our market sector and target audience. We're all about offering the most cutting-edge technologies, market trends, best practices, and fascinating case studies that provide useful knowledge. Let's work together to make our blog even more educational and enjoyable!
  • Originality: Do share only original content with us. Also, to ensure that everyone gets the credit they deserve, avoid using any plagiarized or copyrighted material. If you choose to include quotes or references in your work, don't forget to provide the source to give proper credit where it's due. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in making our content diverse and respectful of intellectual property.
  • Quality: We aim to offer high-quality, data-rich, well-researched content to our readers, and accept the same from our contributors. AI-generated content will not be accepted. We encourage the use of relevant statistics, research papers, and other examples to help establish the credibility of the content.
  • Tone: Submissions that are engaging and reader-friendly are encouraged. Content should be provided in a clear, simple, and accessible manner so that our audience can easily grasp and get useful insights.
  • Length: We will accept submissions of 800-1500 words and encourage contributors to adhere to the word limit.
  • Formatting: To improve readability, submissions should be well-structured with headings, subheadings, and paragraphs. To improve the overall presentation of the text, the inclusion of bullet points, lists, and related images is encouraged.
  • Language: As our target audiences reside in the USA, we encourage the use of US spellings. The tone of the content must be informative and conversational. Use gender-neutral pronouns.
Submission Process

To contribute to our blog, share an article pitch in Google Docs. Your pitch should give us a sneak peek into your proposed topic, key points, and an outline of the article structure. Please email your pitch to [editorial@sievanetworks2.com] and don't forget to put "Article Pitch Submission - [Your Name]" in the subject line.

  • Once we receive your pitch, the editorial team will carefully review it. If accepted, we'll let you know and share instructions for the full article submission. But remember, getting your pitch approved doesn't guarantee publication; the final decision will depend on how well your article aligns with our guidelines.
  • After you submit the complete article, we will review it thoroughly. We'll be looking at things like adherence to guidelines, clarity, accuracy, and overall quality. If we feel there are areas to improve, we might share some feedback and suggestions to help make your content shine. Your cooperation and prompt responses during this process are much appreciated!
  • If your submitted content satisfies our quality requirements and corresponds with our editorial objective, we'll be happy to let you know when it will be published! While we may make minor changes to language, formatting, and style, you can be confident that we will always respect the integrity and uniqueness of your writing.
Guidelines for Seeking Expert Opinions from Family1st
  • Contact Information:
  • 1. Initial Contact and Verification:
    • Please reach out to us via email with the subject line "Expert Opinion Inquiry."
    • Provide the following information:
      • Name of the organization or individual
      • Person of contact
      • The subject matter you seek our opinion on
      • Core business or area of interest
  • 2. Understanding the Inquiry:
    • We specialize in GPS tracking for personal use, particularly for families and assets.
    • We will assess the inquiry's alignment with our expertise to determine if we can provide relevant insights.
  • 3. Research and Preparation:
    • Before offering our expert opinion, we will thoroughly research the topic and gather the necessary information and data.
    • We will keep ourselves updated on the latest advancements in GPS tracking technology.
  • 4. Impartiality and Ethics:
    • Our expert opinions will be unbiased, and we will avoid conflicts of interest.
    • We prioritize user privacy and security, and we will adhere to ethical practices.
  • 5. Communication and Presentation:
    • Expert opinions will be shared through Google Docs for a clear and organized presentation.
    • We will ensure that technical concepts are explained in a manner understandable to non-experts.
  • 6. Citing Sources and Accuracy:
    • All information and data provided in our expert opinions will be properly attributed to reliable sources.
    • We will follow rigorous fact-checking procedures to maintain accuracy.
  • 7. Handling Controversial Topics or Misinformation:
    • We do not offer opinions on controversial matters, such as using GPS trackers for surveillance without consent.
    • If misinformation arises, we will address and correct it promptly.
  • 8. Setting Boundaries:
    • We will not comment on competing products and services, maintaining professionalism and objectivity.
    • Expert opinions do not constitute legal advice, and we cannot offer opinions on sensitive legal matters.
  • 9. Response Time and Follow-up:
    • We aim to respond to inquiries within 3-5 business days.
    • For further clarifications or follow-up support, feel free to ask after receiving the initial expert opinion.
  • 10. Public Relations and Marketing Considerations:
    • Our expert opinions focus on providing valuable insights and will not be promotional.

    For any inquiries seeking expert opinions on GPS tracking for personal use, please follow these guidelines and reach out to us via email at editorial@sievanetworks2.com. We look forward to sharing our expertise and contributing to your knowledge on this important topic.