8 Common Problems With GPS Vehicle Tracking Systems- Family1st Guide

common problems with gps system

We all know that technology has made our lives convenient. From waking up to retiring to bed, a gadget or app helps us get through the day. You plan an exciting day based on what is happening in your city. If you crave a dessert after a long day, you check for the closest options. Can’t find your car in the parking lot? Just check the GPS car tracker for its exact location. Now, take a moment to consider how all of the above and more have been made possible through one technology – the GPS. The seamless integration of GPS technology into our daily routine is incredible. 

However, if you are a dedicated vehicle tracker user, you also know that no matter how dependable or accurate the GPS tracker is, some problems are inevitable.


  • Location inaccuracy
  • Signal loss
  • Battery drain
  • Data breach
  • Distracted driving
  • Costs
  • Technical glitches
  • Coverage issues in remote areas, and
  • Legal and ethical concerns

Family1st is aware of these concerns, and that’s why we’ve crafted this blog to serve as a comprehensive guide to help you understand the reason behind these problems and what you can do to resolve them. By the end of this blog, you should be able to solve most of the above issues without any external help. 

What are the Common Problems Associated with GPS Vehicle Tracking System?

As we know, every rose has its own set of thorns. Even if GPS is an indispensable part of our lives, we still face GPS vehicle tracking problems. Here is a list of commonly associated problems: 

Inaccuracy in Location & Shifting Positions

GPS gadgets hinge on signals from at least four satellites. But accuracy gets affected when they connect with only three or fewer.

Issues arise when signals get obstructed by walls, buildings, tall structures, or trees. Extreme weather conditions like geomagnetic storms also make it difficult to extract accurate location data. Also, the mapping tech paired with GPS might not always be up-to-date. It leads to navigational blunders.

Signal Weakness & Battery Drain Worries

When you rely solely on GPS, problems due to signal failures may arise. It also becomes a problem when your battery-powered device runs out of battery (GPS devices are usually power-hungry). So, without a backup plan (in this case, physical maps), the fear of getting lost becomes a real concern.

Incorrect Navigation Routes

Another hiccup is the occasional significant deviation in position. It happens when satellite numbers are limited. While satellites boast precision with atomic clocks, discrepancies, and time measurement errors still occur. The gravitational pull from the Earth, Moon, and Sun also disrupt their predetermined orbital positions.

Employee Discontent

Some employees may resist using GPS trackers as they perceive it as an invasion of their privacy or autonomy. While many understand the need for vehicle tracking software, others find it challenging to accept constant monitoring. They believe that it disturbs their personal space.

Distracted Driving

Though modern GPS devices can provide audio instructions, they can become a source of distraction. Drivers may end up fidgeting with their smartphones or other devices to alter destinations, input data, or adjust settings on the road. Being focused while driving while on the road mitigates the chances of risks and accidents.

Privacy & Data Security Worries

Without awareness, GPS devices may be exploited to track people, such as installing one in a car for constant surveillance. This opens the door to unacceptable activities like stalking, burglary, kidnapping, and even murder. There is a study that shows how it is possible to track the exact location of a vehicle by using GPS.

Overreliance on Technology

While GPS technology is undoubtedly useful, it is still important to have a firm knowledge of the local area. Important details about a road being prone to flooding at certain times, the existence of scenic spots, or roadblocks may not be available on the GPS and thus, it leads to inconvenience. 

Ethical Problems with GPS Vehicle Tracking Systems

Ethics are defined as a system of morals that judge human actions. And this is another lesser-talked concern attached to GPS technology. Ethical concerns are raised when it involves real-time tracking of people. 

While using GPS for navigation is fine, sharing location data might be a privacy issue. Some existing products already compromise personal privacy, and there is a worry about what could happen if these become mandatory. 

Legal problems exist globally, with some places restricting surveillance. It is surprising to see incidents like the one in the U.S., where a court allowed GPS use to convict someone of murder, even though it challenged protections against unwarranted searches.

If you wish to learn in detail about this, refer to the study by the University of Wollongong.

Solutions to GPS Vehicle Tracking Problems

The above problems may be avoided by following a few simple solutions. Apart from considering the best position to install GPS in your car, find a list of other solutions below

Troubleshoot Location Error for Accuracy

If your antenna encounters difficulty picking up or maintaining a satellite signal, or it suggests a location error, try to relocate it to a position with an unobstructed view of the sky. It may include the trunk of a car.

Effective GPS Receiver Interaction

Access specific instructions on interfacing with a GPS receiver by consulting the program’s user manual or visiting the support section on the vendor’s website.

Manage PDA Synchronization Programs

If you face communication issues between your GPS receiver and computer especially when using a PDA, deactivate the PDA synchronization program. These background-running programs often contribute to GPS receiver interface problems.

Ensure Secure Connections

Prioritize checking the secure connection of the cable to both the GPS receiver and the computer and ensure that the receiver is powered on.

Verify Baud Rate and Protocol Alignment

The baud rate refers to the speed at which data is transmitted between the GPS receiver and the interface program. Also, Protocol alignment means matching the communication protocols between the GPS receiver and the interface program. 

You need to confirm that the baud rate and protocol match in both the GPS receiver and the interface program. If connectivity issues persist, carefully review your settings for accuracy to ensure smooth operation.

Family1st Plug-in GPS Tracker: Why is it the Best Investment?

You can fix the problems by the above methods. However, it will only be a short-term solution. If you want to solve the GPS car tracking problem for good, you could buy the best plug-in GPS tracker. In this way, you wouldn’t have half of your GPS problems in the first place. 

There is a reason why our team suggests Family1st Plug-in GPS tracker–your ease. The installation process is effortless with this product. Simply insert it into the OBD port II, and you’re set. In addition, the abundance of features will let you travel worry-free and guarantee your family’s safety on vacation.

Key Features

  • Create up to 10 Geofencing zones and get notified if someone exits the zones.
  • No charging is required. The device powers from the vehicle’s engine.
  • It comes with 4G Connectivity.
  • Engine diagnostics reports like travel log, travel start-stop, mileage report, driver safety report, trip report, and current location.
  • Real-time tracking on the app.

And that’s not it! You also get records of travel history. We at Family1st always prioritize the safety of your family. Invest in the Family1st plug-in tracker to ensure peaceful journeys and avoid GPS tracking problems with accurate information.

Wrapping Up

The key takeaway – avoid common vehicle tracking problems by following solutions like PDA synchronization, verifying baud rate, or troubleshooting location data errors. Also, invest in the best plug-in GPS tracker to avoid the hassle and stress.

While these problems are common and are faced by many, you can avoid them by following a few simple steps. Hopefully, we were able to help you find answers to your questions and doubts. 

Feel free to book a call with us and learn more about the Family1st Plug-in GPS tracker.


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