How do GPS Tracking Devices Work?

how gps tracking devices work

If you ask any random person about what GPS is, they will tell you that it is a technology that helps them get places. They can access it on their mobile phone and look for directions, see restaurants or hospitals nearby, reach their friends and family in need. 

They are not incorrect. However, Global Positioning System technology has vast applicability other than gathering location information. The global satellite navigation system is based on algorithms and satellites that provide the location, time, and velocity synchronization. Initially developed and implemented by the United States Air Force, to assist with military operations, our dependency on this system has only increased ever since.

Discovery of the GPS

The inspiration for this system was derived from the launch of the satellite ‘Sputnik’ in 1957 into space. American scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology worked on the formula for the system and discovered that the satellite can be tracked from the ground as well, paving way for modern-day GPS tracking in the process. 

GPS became available for public use in 1983. With significant contributions in navigation and monitoring, the usage and requirement of this satellite system have multiplied exponentially. Today, the GPS is a household name and has made a place for itself even in our day-to-day lives.

 The GPS can operate independently without relying on any telephonic or internet reception. Although these technologies do help in enhancing the practicality of the GPS positioning information. It is not only used in military and air force endeavors but also in video games, surveys, etc.

How does a GPS tracking device work?

The GPS trackers are essentially navigation structures that are used to accurately locate a person, vehicle, or any other asset. The satellite system contributing to the working of the GPS consists of twenty-four satellites in totality. These satellites are divided into six groups- six orbital planes, with four satellites in each. 

For this purpose, a device called GPS Tracker is used. These trackers use a process called ‘Trilateration’ to determine the location and velocity of a person or a vehicle, irrespective of whether it is stationary or moving. They record the data of the person or the vehicle’s movements. This information is then transmitted to a central server through a satellite modem (fitted in the unit itself). 

The real-time information recorded by these GPS tracking devices is what fuels several industries including construction, fleet management, logistics, security, transportation services, and more. Your next food order, delivered to your doorsteps, is also powered by GPS. 

These devices require signals from at least four satellite devices to work effectively. Because of this requirement, the GPS technology was developed in such a manner that the user was always in proximity to four satellites under a clear sky. 

The efficiency and the user-friendly nature of the GPS have made it a part of both professional and personal undertakings today.

Geofencing: What is it and how does it work?

Geofencing has become an inseparable part of modern-day GPS applicability. It is a location-based system that makes use of Wi-Fi and GPS to initiate a pre-programmed action. Setting up a geographical virtual boundary has innumerable benefits. 

To use this feature that GPS facilitates, the administrator must set up a virtual boundary around a target location in GPS-enabled software, for example, an area of two hundred feet drawn in Google Maps. Whenever a registered device (with an internet connection) enters this area, a response will be triggered. 

From monitoring turnaround times, accurate billing for transportation and logistics, offering ETA to clients, and keeping a check on your family’s whereabouts, Geofencing has vast usage in every walk of life. Geofencing is very commonly used in marketing, social networking, human resources, and security purposes. 

Who needs a GPS tracking device?

We are already deep into our dependence on GPS navigation and location tracking. For most of us, it is a part of our life. We have and are using GPS tracking devices either commercially or personally. The implementation of GPS technology in various industries has not only empowered them to reach maximum efficiency and productivity, leveraging their resources but has also made them greener. 

Moreover, GPS tracking devices have been god-sent to several families. Today, one in five Americans carry a personal tracking device with them. 

In the case of parents, the tracking unit brings much relief to them as it brings with it awareness of their child’s location at all times. From extra-curricular classes to late-night parties, you know where your child is at all times; these GPS trackers can be incorporated into mobile phones, wristbands, and even some types of clothing. There are also devices such as Family1st personal GPS trackers that are so compact that they can be easily concealed under a bike seat, backpack, and car interior. 

These trackers are also used to keep a check on the locations of elderly parents and family members with critical medical conditions like Alzheimer’s, Dementia, or Diabetes. It provides you the peace of mind you need, jiggling between work and personal life, and saves you from the guilt of not being there. And let’s not forget your pets, who simply enjoy running around. A tracker on their lease saves your time and emotion whenever they venture into the wilderness. 

Based on your needs, you will find a suitable GPS tracking device in the market. For example, if you need a tracker for a personal reason like tracking your elderly parents, or keeping a check on your teenager, the Family1st GPS tracker is the one you need. Apart from all the above features, they also offer 24/7 customer support and other bunch of services. Family1st is also one of the most affordable GPS tracking devices and service providers in the country, with the lowest monthly subscription, and a very competitive device cost. 

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