Family1st Portable GPS Device – GPS Tracker For Children With Special Needs

GPS tracker for children with special needs

One of the primary concerns of all parents is to keep their children safe at all times. And when you have a child with special needs, then the need for keeping him protected increases many times. Families who have children with special needs keep looking for new and improved ways to keep a tab on their children 24 hours a day.

Autistic kids and kids with many other special needs often go missing leading to severe trouble and anxiety to the parents. When the children are at home, we can install safety measures such as installing bars, secured locking of the doors, CCTV installation, and many more. But we cannot keep the children at home all the time. They also need to go out for a breath of fresh air. This is what has been concerning the parents most. They keep wondering how to keep the track of the children when they need to go out like going to school or playgroup

Family1st portable GPS Tracking Device

One of the finest solutions to this kind of problem is the Family1st GPS tracking. The portable GPS device is an ideal option for children with special needs. It will not only ease out the job but will also give you peace of mind. Though it is the responsibility of the teachers to ensure that the children are safe and protected when they are in school. But imagine the luxury of owning a device that always allows you to access the real-time location of your lad, all the time.

There has been an increasing trend in the parents tracking their kid’s location, as per a study from Pew Research. According to Pew Research, 16% of parents regularly track their kids.

The portable GPS tracking device has been immensely used and has various applications such as controlling teen driving, vehicle tracking, senior citizen monitoring, drug-impaired driving, pet tracking, and many more. The parents and therapists have been exploring this option and keep learning about its features. Due to the present-day dangers and injuries cases, that have been known to harm the kids, it is wise to invest in this technology. A discreet portable GPS tracker device from Family1st is the go-to solution that will always help you alleviate your anxiety and ensure the safety of the children.

Budget-friendly solution

If you are thinking that Family1st devices will be priced exorbitantly, then it is not so. If you dive deeper and explore the GPS portable device offered by Family1st, you will know that the devices are priced quite reasonably. At a competitive price, you will get a variety of GPS tracking solution features. If it is still going out of your budget and becoming challenging for you to pay the entire amount in the first go, then go for the lowest monthly subscription rate offered by Family1st. One of the best parts is that the Family1st devices offer a Lifetime Warranty. There is no need for you to sign a contract and hence, you can deactivate Family1st services anytime you want. Be assured you don’t have to pay any cancellation and hidden charges

Reasons for the need for portable GPS tracking by children with special needs

We all know we are living in times where our children are exposed to various types of dangers. And when the child has special needs, the risk is even more. As per various studies, kids with conditions like cognitive impairment, behavioral issues, autism, etc. often leave their homes and schools and wander unguarded. Due to this, their safety is compromised and the parents are stressed.

But if you have the GPS tracker for children from Family1st, then not only parents but even teachers and other guardians can also keep a check on the child’s whereabouts. One of the best features of this device is that you can set alerts. The device can be programmed when it sends alerts when it records a child’s movement. This helps the parents to take necessary action on time and avoid any unfortunate incident.

Special Needs kids

It is not justified to keep the children with special needs locked in the premises of the home. they also deserve to go out. But it can certainly cause a lot of stress and risk for the parents to give their child the freedom to go out. However, if the child is monitored at the time he exploring things, it will be a safe proposition. In a study done by the children’s medical center in New York, it was inferred that GPS tracker for special needs like autistic kids and children with other disorders has improved the quality of 96% of families life who took part in the survey.

How does a portable GPS tracking device work?

Special needs GPS tracker works on the technology that collects and transmits the data of the exact location in real-time. Since this technology has many applications, it has always been considered one of the best alternatives for many families that have children, pets, senior citizens, and teenagers. If you want, you can also keep a track of your children’s movement to ensure their protection.

Benefits of portable GPS tracking devices for Children with Special Needs

Here we list the benefits the Family1st Special needs child GPS tracker devices to offer:

Know the location

The main concern of the parents of special needs children is that their children should not be left unattended. They always want to keep their children in front of their eyes. Home is a safe environment. But when the kids intend to go to a park, school, and other public places, then arises the problem. Since these places pose a risk for the children getting lost and wandered off without notice, it becomes essential to have a GPS tracking device so that you can track their real-time location. This assists the parents to know all the time where are their kids. This is how they can reach their children as ad when needed.


The best feature that GPS tracker for special needs child offer is Geofencing. It allows the parents to create a virtual boundary for their children. The device sends alerts when the child enters or exits that parameter. It is a great feature to have and it also upscales the family tracking needs. This feature is a must-have for kids with special needs. Using this feature, you can set a boundary around the house and school. When the child leaves that area, you will get notified. Isn’t this helpful in keeping your child in their surroundings?

Set Alerts

You can use GPS tracking devices to set notifications and alerts. You can set boundaries, check the location, create events for which you need a notification, etc. You can program the applications as per your requirements. This application is user-friendly and of high utility. The app sends an immediate notification through message or e-mail, and then, you can take quick action.

Many features

The GPS tracking devices started offering advanced features. It provides real-time location information and allows several Geofences per device. There are many other features too. GPS devices are highly reliable. It has more than fifteen days of battery life, allows integration with Alexa, allows voice commands, is equipped with 4G cellular technology, indoor tracking is possible through Wi-Fi, continual tracking, etc., and has become a dependable reliable tracking solution.

Easy access

You can access the Family1st GPS tracking application on any smartphone, laptop, tablet, PC, etc. The application can be accessed by authorized users. it guarantees the location data only to your family members to keep them safe. It allows easy access to the information also.

All-time support

Since the safety of your child is the ultimate goal of the parents, Family1st is ensuring to offer round-the-clock support to the parents and guardians. The company has a big team of professionally qualified staff that is always available in case you need any technical support or have a query and concern.

Reasonably priced

Some people who know that the GPS tracker for special needs children is a high utility gadget might think that they cannot afford it as this top-quality and the latest technology might be heavily priced. But this is the time to know that the devices are reasonably priced and you have a range of tracking solutions in your budget. You can also go for the lowest monthly subscription in the market for obtaining the best GPS tracking solution choice for your family and children. You also get a lifetime warranty with all-the-time support. In case of the cancellation of the service, you can do it any time you want without needing to pay any extra money.

Big battery life

Since it is a critical gadget that cannot compromise the safety of children, the company ensures that the battery of the gadget is long-lived. It should be able to provide instant reports, real-time tracking, alerts, etc.

Why select the Family1st portable GPS tracking solution?

There are several cases of child bullying, kidnapping, harassment, violence, etc. Family1st has designed the GPS tracker for family use. These devices are small in size and light in weight. It can be attached easily to the clothes and bags of children. You can also use the same in vehicles. Then, integrate the application with the GPS tracker. Download the same on your mobile or laptop and start experiencing the benefits of a GPS tracking solution.

Since it also has a lifetime warranty and a low monthly fee, Family1st is the perfect choice for many families who have kids with special needs. The portable devices offered by the company are light in weight and easy to carry. The children don’t have a problem in using as the same is compact in size and portable too. The devices cannot be detected easily and hence they are the best GPS trackers for your child.

Having access to the reallocation of your child and the ability to reach them anytime in the need, is the best thing you can have today. It will not only lessen your anxiety but also improve your quality of life.  Family1st is an affordable and high-quality tracking technology that assures keeping your family and children safe.

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